Years of Excllence

Message From The Dupty Principal (Adminstration)

Mr. John K Chumba

The office of the deputy principal is an integral part of the management of Turbo TVC headed and guided by the Principal. To enhance efficiency and delivery of curriculum objectives ,the office of the deputy works closely with Heads of Departments and class teachers by ensuring quality is maintained. Turbo TVC has put mechanisms in place to monitor cases of absenteeism and lateness from trainers and trainees.
The college has engaged 15 competent trainers on BOG and together with 6 trainers deployed by the PSC, students are adequately attended to.The college has employed 15 members of non- teaching staff who play a crucial role in driving it's mission and vision to achieve its objectives.Currently the student population stands at 320 with most of those taking one year artisan courses in welding and fabrication,masonry and plumbing expected to exit after completing their exams at the end of July 2022 KNEC exam series.
This is a remarkable increase in enrollment from about 140 in 2020/2021 academic year. Turbo TVC has trainees from different communities across the country reflecting our diversity and cultural background. In 2021/ 2022 academic year,the college presented a total of 128 candidates for KNEC exams.
In terms of innovation, the college participated in the TVET fare held at Elburgon in April 2022 and performed well. The college has a teaching staff of 18 under BOG and 6 on PSC which includes the Principal and Deputy Principal. The college has 9 members of non-teaching staff.
Clubs ,sports guidance and counselling activities have been initiated to ensure the trainees welfare and discipline are maintained at all times.So far cases of indiscipline,drug and substance abuse and theft have been minimal.During the holidays , our trainees are engaged in the production of block and cabro at the college to earn some income. In collaboration with our stake holders,the college is set to be a major player in skilling the youth and transforming the local community.
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Our Management Team is composed of highly qualified and experienced professionals, who believe in our core values of Intergrity, Team Work, Accountability and Resilence.

Mission: "To deliver Future oriented Technical and Entrepreneurial Skills for growth"

Vision: "To To be a regional and International TVC Center in research and Innovation"

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Mon – Fri, 8AM – 5PM Sat & Sunday: Closed

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Chebtabach, 5km from Eldoret-Malaba Highway through Jua Kali-Sugoi Junction

+254 718 000 132



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